MassGAP   MassGAP
c/o Massachusetts Women’s Political Caucus
9-B Hamilton Place, 1st Floor
Boston, MA 02108
Phone: (617) 451-9294
Home About Get Involved or Donate Donate Guidelines Apply for a Position Member Organizations News Contact MassGAP
Get Involved, Make a Donation

Lead Sponsor:

The Massachusetts Women’s Political Caucus

Silver Sponsor:

Jobin-Leeds Partnership for Democracy and Education
WTS - Boston Chapter


Barbara Lee
Liz Levin


Bingham McCutchen

Get Involved

Please join us as we work to increase the number of women in senior-level appointed positions in Massachusetts government. Here’s how you can help:

Get Involved!


Apply to join a task force to participate in identifying qualified candidates in your relevant field, and then mentoring those women who choose to express interest. Task force responsibilities also include educating women generally on how to apply for high-level positions, and recording and reporting on the appointments recommended by your task force.(Note: task force members and co-chairs cannot seek MassGAP endorsement.)

Please submit the following form by December 2010 to be considered for the task force on your relevant field.

Last Name
First Name
Street Address
Work Phone
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Current Position
(if any)
Please upload your current resume. It must be either a Word file (.doc) or a PDF file (.pdf)

I would like to apply for the following task force(s).* If more than one, please list task forces in order of most to least desired.

Administration and Finance / Budget (budget; taxes; IT; Human Resources; purchasing/facilities - DCAM; others)
Environmental Affairs
Health and Human Services and Elder Affairs
Public Safety
Transportation and Construction
Housing and Commonwealth Development
Economic Development (business and technology; consumer affairs; labor and workforce development)
Yes! I would like to be considered for a task force co-chair position!*
* Please note that task force members and co-chairs cannot seek MassGAP    endorsement in the same category.